Print All subssequence of the string
- Subsequence is not substring
- subsequence string can be generated by selecting charactor from the given string
- It should maintain the order
- Valid subsequence: abc and acd are subsequence of abcd
- Invalid subsequence: acb and dac is not subsequence of abcd because order is not maintained
Input: abcd
Outout: [abcd abc abd ab acd ac ad a bcd bc bd b cd c d ]
package main
import "fmt"
var arr []string
func main() {
arr = make([]string, 0)
str := "abcd"
subseq(str, "")
func subseq(str, ans string) {
if len(str) == 0 {
arr = append(arr, ans)
firstChar := string([]rune(str)[0])
subseq(str[1:], ans+firstChar)
subseq(str[1:], ans)